Monday, September 20, 2010

Favorite Quotes from Last Weekend's Regional Conference

"When it comes to eternal progression, we must not rely on our long-term memory." 
-Elder Steven E. Snow

"You're doing better than you think you are!" 
-Sister Julie B. Beck

"If we could call upon the faith that Heavenly Father has promised, we could be doing better than we are." 
-Sister Julie B. Beck 

"The Spirit is key to knowing the mind and the will of our Heavenly Father." 
-Sister Julie B. Beck 

 "Miracles are happening and available for those who have enough faith in the Lord."
-Sister Julie B. Beck  

"Testimonies should be simple and deep, not complex and superficial."
-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

"When we find ourselves failing, there is someone around to lift us up."
-President Boyd K. Packer

"Go play with the children!"
-Elder Richard G. Scott

"When you live the commandments of Jesus Christ, you qualify for the guidance of the Lord."
-Elder Richard G. Scott

"To love another righteously is to protect, to elevate, to revere, to respect."
-Elder Richard G. Scott

"Marriage enables you to really find out who you are."
-Elder Richard G. Scott

What do you enjoy from Regional Conference?

1 comment:

  1. Yes Yes YES!! It was all wonderful! I'm so glad you took such detailed notes. You've reminded me of everything I learned that weekend. Thanks Tasha!
